Heading 1: Currently only used as the main title on the home page. Center justified and highlight words can be bolded.
Heading 2: These are used to title main sections at the tops of all pages and throughout whenever a new main section is placed. Left justified.
Heading 3: These are subheadings used to break up longer sections with multiple ideas. Left justified. Also used on sections that are more like subsections than new sections, as in Media Products page or About Us page
Heading 4: These are used as subheads under Heading 3.
Paragraph 1: This is rarely used but can be used for things like pull quotes or other special non-header displays.
Paragraph 2: This is the main body text. Left justified. Can style with bold or italic as needed. Do not underline as that implies a link.
Paragraph 3: This is caption text. Should be italicized. Can also be used left justified (for content-based captions) or center justified for ‘(click to enlarge)’ captions.
Section Settings:
Section height is small.
Section width is medium.
Content is in middle and centered.
Using Galleries vs Placing Images:
Galleries limit settings like which fonts you can use or treatment of the captions (italics). Galleries should only be used when there are no captions and we need the dynamic and scaling effects they add (like for the partner and donor logos). Any other time images are needed, they should simply be placed as images. If you want a gallery effect, like clicking on them