Media Products

Communications is an essential tool in raising awareness and advocating for better protection of the unique cultures and ecosystems of the Upper Amazon. We produce our own in-house materials and also collaborate with photographers, filmmakers, publications, and other media professionals on a wide range of media products.

Maps | Multimedia Reports | Advocacy Art | Video | Publications


Purús–Manu Conservation Landscape

Indigenous Communities with Life Plans Developed with the Support of UAC

Indigenous Communities Affected by the Nueva Italia Road

Indigenous Communities and Territories of the Transboundary Commission

Indigenous Communities of Yurúa with Conservation Agreements

Indigenous Communities Protected by the Inuya, Sepahua - Urubamba Rivers

Multimedia Reports

Esri “Story Map” on the Purús–Manu Landscape

Protecting the Wildest Place on Earth

UAC’s first Story Map explores the remarkable forests and indigenous tribes of Peru’s Purús–Manu Landscape and the forces that threaten it. Click here to view the English version (link opens in a new tab). A Spanish version will be available soon.

The Story Map project was made possible by the generous support of the Andes Amazon Fund and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in partnership with the Purús–Manu Landscape Project Consortium.

An aerial view looking into the rising sun towards the Alto Purús National Park.

An aerial view looking into the rising sun towards the Alto Purús National Park.

Advocacy Art

Last Wildest Place

Last Wildest Place is an Upper Amazon supported, award-winning, long-term and ongoing photography project produced by Jason Houston and Chris Fagan.

  • ZEKE Award for Documentary Photography: 1st Place (2020)

  • Jonny Copp Award (2014)

  • Presentation: Wildscreen Festival (2020)

  • Presentation: Adventure Film Festival, Boulder, CO (2016)

  • Exhibition: Photoville, New York, NY (2020)

  • Exhibition: International League of Conservation Photographers’s 15th Anniversary Exhibition (2020)

  • Exhibition: Bridge Gallery, Cambridge, MA (2020)

  • Exhibition: Adventure Film Festival, Boulder, CO (2016)

Last Wildest Place won the 2014 Jonny Copp Award at Adventure Film Festival and was presented and exhibited in 2016 at the festival in Boulder, CO.

Last Wildest Place won the 2014 Jonny Copp Award at Adventure Film Festival and was presented and exhibited in 2016 at the festival in Boulder, CO.


An older presentation describing the work of UAC (2014)

Short documentary on an expedition to document illegal loggers inside Alto Purús National Park (2006)

Documental corto sobre una expedición para documentar madereros ilegales dentro del Parque Nacional Alto Purús (2006)


Who killed this Indigenous family in the Peruvian Amazon? And why?
Chris Fagan,, November 2020

Last Wildest Place
Jason Houston and Chris Fagan, ZEKE magazine, Fall 2020

Coca farms close in on protected areas, isolated tribes in Peruvian Amazon
Chris Fagan,, December 2019

Investigation reveals large-scale land invasion in Peruvian Amazon (audio podcast)
Chris Fagan,, December 2019

Perú: cultivos de coca amenazan áreas protegidas y pueblos indígenas en aislamiento en la Amazonía
Chris Fagan,, December 2019

Isolated Nomads Are Under Siege in the Amazon Jungle (English) (Spanish)
Chris Fagan, National Geographic magazine, October 2018

Natural Resource Use in Alto Purús Indigenous Communities (in Spanish)
Upper Amazon Conservancy and ProPurús, 2013

Social and Environmental Impacts of Mahogany Logging on Peruvian Indigenous Communities (Graduate Study Thesis)
Aaron Groth, Masters of Arts candidate, University of Missouri – August 2014

Alto Purús National Park Guard Manual
Upper Amazon Conservancy – October 2013

Coca and conservation: cultivation, eradication, and trafficking in the Amazon borderlands
D. S. Salisbury and C. Fagan. Geojournal, August 2011.

Overflight Reveals Illegal Settlement in the Alto Purús National Park
Upper Amazon Conservancy – August 2010

Illegal Mahogany Logging Continues in the Murunahua Uncontacted Reserve
Upper Amazon Conservancy – July 2010.
